Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Doctorgregory House

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Credits: 1'114
Award Points: 9'950
Citizen days: 6'224
Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Last Visit: 14 May 2008
Total Forum Posts: 57
0% of total / 0.00916 posts per day
Odetth Burritos (10 May 2008):
Davix Svoltaire (1 May 2008):
WOOHOOO THANK YOU VERY MUCH PRO BEST GUY IN WARBEARS 8) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Jackdaw House (25 Apr 2008):
Happy Birthday! *Gives pee extracting machine* You know.. Just in case..
Equisguy Totoro (28 Mar 2008):
He goes on really often :roll:
Riadzo Simpson (27 Mar 2008):
what sup eh 8)
Vibrotherapy Smith (24 Mar 2008):
Yeah Doctogregory is awesome! You're the best, man! You saved the orphanage from that fire and gave me 40,000$ to keep my stuff from getting repo'd and helped me get my life back in order, win back my girl friend, and become a generally better person all around! Only a terrorist would dislike you! :D :clap: :sick: :-.= :cry: [-X |:s =; :roll: :x :shock: :angry: :ninja: :stare: *_* 8) :shock: :mrgreen: :clap: :lol: :arrow: :evil: :? :idea: :P :D :) :-s :sick: :lol:
Davix Svoltaire (23 Mar 2008):
hi man you rock cuz you weird and its cool xD :clap: :clap: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Odetth Burritos (16 Mar 2008):
first time i ever heard someone was moving to new york because they have sleeping problems :D :angry: ^_^
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