I'll never forget you, great friend. : ) I'll really miss you. It's fun having you around. Being so random, haha. : D Lol. I almost e-cried, but then I realised. there are no e-cry emotions! Well... there's this :( :( ;_;
Adrian Calothycos
you were the best hollie!
ill never forget you.
be4 you leave.
dont poo[,diareah,pee,urinate,throwup,vomit on me D:D :D
Pepper Brancacane
I'll never forget you, great friend. : ) I'll really miss you. It's fun having you around. Being so random, haha. : D Lol. I almost e-cried, but then I realised. there are no e-cry emotions! Well... there's this :( :( ;_;
Toothfairy Carpenter
You are one of the best friends i have on Warbears. I'll always remember you. :D