Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Dorkzilla Totoro

Real name:
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Birthday: 20 Aug 1994
Age: 30
Credits: 285
Award Points: 8'630
Citizen days: 6'082
Joined: 5 May 2008
Last Visit: 23 Aug 2017
Total Forum Posts: 78
0% of total / 0.0128 posts per day
Chandrew Totoro (17 Mar 2013):
You are extremely ridiculous. It's been awhile by the way; if you forgot me, it's Sebastian. Have you been talking to Erika lately? You probably miss her. D:
Ukulele Udon (17 Aug 2012):
come back bbycakes. ;(
Scurvy Panzerotten (17 Jul 2012):
Hey Dorky. ;3 Give me a tutorial on how you did ur hair! What gel do you you use? Or gels??

Btw do you also play pico ameba??? lol.... XD Have a nice night. ^_^
Yoru Lebowski (16 Jul 2012):
omg I love you. you are perfect and that drawing is perfect. btw I'm sorry I disappeared but I actually didn't I was just traveling... BUT I'VE COME BACK FOR YOU AND WILL DO YOUR DRAWING.
Chandrew Totoro (11 Jul 2012):
Chandrew Totoro (11 Jul 2012):
Hey dork are u still playing extalia? Haha :P
Jett is pretty cool, lol. long time no see btw? Were you been?
Yoru Lebowski (11 Jul 2012):
I thought your soul burned with a jealousy so intense at me talking to Bleach that you left. but that's silly, right.. it's just me.
Yoru Lebowski (11 Jul 2012):
baby come back

you can blame it all on mee
Brendy Harlan (13 Jun 2009):
You're the bestest guy ever, I have a cookie, :3 :3 And it goes to you! *Gives The Cookie* And to all of you that think I'm his gf, I'm N-O-T, NOT! [-X
Pepper Brancacane (9 Jun 2009):
Go online mooooooooore, btw my name is MOAR PIZZA too!!!! xD
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