Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Patrick Mazinga

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Josh Brancacane (13 Sep 2008):
OPEN, level 1, thank you, yes, red, chess, simple, 8, green, infinity, mirror, nothing, W to open the box in the open door in level 1-m and 10 to go through to next level LEVEL 2: JKL (don't need to do), 12, prime numbers, cube, bear, kram noitseuq (question mark backwards), 2 (opens 2 doors), (going to the bottom left door) 26, next room, 25, water, then go back LEVEL 2.G (the room with 2 doors), go into the other door (the door is now open in that room), h for front row, 2 for middle row and for back row the letter o, at level 2.M theres an open door go through and thers a box say t to open it go back through the door and 22 to go next level (not done yet) LEVEL 3: doesn’t seem to be done 8)
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