Vinilla Anderson
Real name: |
None of your business |
Current location: |
Do you NEED to know that? |
Birthday: |
Age: |
I have 2 cats and a dog. Not much to say about me......I like to hangout and talk. I was born and raised in Texas and never been out of it (kinda just gave away my location). I have a sister a mom and a dad. WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE cAlL mE eMo?!?!?!
Credits: |
625 |
Award Points: |
1'660 |
Citizen days: |
4'834 |
Joined: |
8 Oct 2011 |
Last Visit: |
25 May 2012 |
Total Forum Posts: |
1 |
0% of total / 0.000207 posts per day