Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Chartees Svoltaire

Real name: Chartees
Current location: Antarctica
Birthday: 14 Oct 1987
Age: 37
Oh, Warbears is back.
Credits: 2'619
Award Points: 12'780
Citizen days: 5'507
Joined: 30 Nov 2009
Last Visit: 5 Oct 2021
Total Forum Posts: 14
0% of total / 0.00254 posts per day
Chartees Svoltaire (21 Jan 2017):
BedTime City is back. Who could have possibly guessed this legendary game was still active?
Bauaba Udon (12 Jul 2016):
How are you? It's been a long time! and bedtime city is still not open. I miss the agency. I'm now on a game called ROBLOX. It is similar to BTC. You can create a group, anything you want. Been a long time.
Chartees Svoltaire (30 Apr 2014):
Yawn.....it's starting to be boring in Warbears....

But I will be back when BTC is on again.
Chartees Svoltaire (11 Jan 2014):
Understood Agent.
I will contact all agents once BTC has been reopened because of a certain disaster happening over a year ago.

Good Luck everyone.

-BTC agency system.
Bauaba Udon (4 Jan 2014):
I will become online when bedtime city is finished..
Chartees Svoltaire (21 Dec 2013):
Our battle with the Double Agent Bloom and Ellie is getting worse. BTC agency will now surrender.
Jarrod Smith (16 Dec 2013):
This Wallstory is officially over!
No more posts about these things!
Bloom Brancacane (29 Aug 2013):

There is a traitor amongst your agents who is leaking information to us. I suggest you be a bit more careful when recruiting. If you find out who the traitor is, give him my thanks for offering us some valuable information that could destroy your agency.

Chartees Svoltaire (13 Jan 2013):
Tracing note.....
All agents we have an emergency.We have to buy a finger which Chartees naturally would hate.We don't know who wrote this note so we have to fake it.Good luck agents

Movesammy Nachos (13 Jan 2013):
System how are you i need you to find movesammys body and cut off his ring finger on the right hand - ???

*what will happen* if it does happen you will find a note saying: Clone 1 A.K.A Movesammy Inventor Unknown

*the left ring finger is gone that is which finger that was gone by the way*
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