Bedtime City Missions Shop Forum
Wiedo Smith

Real name: Waldo
Current location: Long time ago in a far away galaxy
Birthday: 17 May 1999
Age: 25
Credits: 1'359
Award Points: 8'560
Citizen days: 4'633
Joined: 23 Apr 2012
Last Visit: 21 Jan 2018
Total Forum Posts: 78
0% of total / 0.0168 posts per day
Wiedo Smith (5 Feb 2015):
I dont know why i have this many friends? I bearly know them!
Wiedo Smith (1 Oct 2012):
the same girl agian and Peter ask her agian whats wrong and she said a rock fell on her.
Again in the sky Peter throug out a granade and heard a laugh. They land and saw it was the girl again he ask her whats wrong she said that she pooped and the house behind her exploded!
Wiedo Smith (1 Oct 2012):
one day Peter through out a niall (not the mod)out of the plane then he heard crying they land and saw it wasa girl.Peter ask what happend she sad that a niall fell on her head.Peter went back into the plane and fly agian.Peter throuh out a rock out and heard a crying. They land again and saw ....
Wiedo Smith (19 Aug 2012):
Peter was dreaming in his bed, he was eating a large marshmallow. The next day he founded that his pillow was GONE!
Zac Nachos (18 Aug 2012):
Wow. Awesome
Cameron Nachos (17 Aug 2012):
These jokes and riddles are so good Wiedo!Ninjabear is catching up to you though
Wiedo Smith (16 Aug 2012):
Depression = sickness
Sickness = death

Lesson learnd do not forget your pen.
Wiedo Smith (16 Aug 2012):
Lost your pen = no pen
No pen = no notes
No notes = no study
No study = Fail
Fail = no diploma
No diploma = no work
No work = no money
No money = no food
no food = skinny
Skinny = ugly
Ugly = no love
No love = no marriage
no marriage = no children
no children = depression
Ninjabear Simpson (14 Aug 2012):
What is yellow ? A banana !
Wait, this isn't a joke...

Wiedo Smith (7 Aug 2012):
If you drop a yellow hat in the red Sea, what does it become?

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